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Another very good and rare example of a side weapon called the badek from the southern Sulawesi regions of Bugis.
Another good and rare example of a knife or badek from the southern Sulawesi region of Bugis.
Another good and rare example of a knife or badek from the southern Sulawesi region of Bugis
A very good and rather rare example of a small side weapon called the badek from the northern Malaysian peninsular regions of Kelantan
A very good and rare example of a side weapon called badek tusuk or stabbing badek
A Javanese styled keris stand, for two kerises and a short spear or tombak.
Keris Bali Luk 11 Bungkem Hujan
A very good and rare example of a keris from the island of Bali.
A very good and rare example of a keris from the island of Bali.
A very good example of a keris from the island of Bali.
bugis sumbawa
A very good and rare example of a keris from the eastern Indonesian island of Sumbawa.
A very good example of a keris from the southern Sumatran region of Riau Lingga.
bugis luk 15
Very good and rare example of a keris from the southern Sulawesi regions of Bugis.
A very fine and rare example of a keris from the southern Sulawesi regions of Bugis.
A very good and rare example of a keris from the eastern Indonesian island of Sumbawa.
keris cirebon luk 11 rajamala
A good and very rare example of a keris from the northern Javanese coastal region of Cirebon.
This extremely rare example has the hilt encased with silver and in the form called the coteng.
A good example of a keris from the central Javanese region of Jogjakarta.
A very good example of a keris from the central Javanese regions of Surakarta.
A very good rare kris from central Javanese regions of Surakarta.
A good and rare example of a keris from the central Javanese regions of Surakarta.