We also provide services for complete or partial restoration or replacements of any parts relating to the keris and other edge weapons of the region.
Occasionally, and preferably during the first Muslim month of “Muharram”, we organize an event called Rangsang Riau Pusaka Bangsa, emulating the “Upacara Suro” Javanese, where the traditional way in which kerises and other pusakas are cleanse complete with a traditional procession and “upacara” prior to the cleansing.
There are three stages in which the keris is traditional restored or washed cleaned:
First stage “Mutih” - Removing of rust and other foreign matters using natural citric acids like lime, pineapple or coconut juices.
Rust Removal with Natural Citric Acids
Lime and Pineapple Used to remove rust.
Second stage “Marangi” - bringing out the contrast between the different metals by soaking/etching the blade in a solution of lemon juices mixed with arsenic.
Etching the blade
Etching the blade
Third stage “Anjasmani” - fully drying the blade by using charcoal heat or more modern hair dryers. Final oiling with scented oils to prevent rusting.