Ulu Bugis Kerdas Fossil Garham 1123
- A very good and rare example of a keris hilt from the southern Sulawesi region of Bugis.
- Unavailable
Ulu Bugis Kerdas Wood Horn 1123
- A very good example of a keris hilt from the southern Sulawesi region of Bugis.
- $95.00
Ulu Bugis Sulawesi Ayat 1123
- A good and rare example of a keris hilt from the southern Sulawesi regions of Bugis.
- Unavailable
Ulu Jawa Demam Pekaka White Jade 1123
- A very rare example of a keris hilt made from white jade,
- Unavailable
Ulu Jawa Jogja Bebondolan Kerang 1123
- Very good and rare example of a hilt from the central Javenese regions of Jogjakarta.
- Item Reserved
Ulu Jawa Jogja Nunggak Semi 1123
- Very good example of a keris hilt from the central Javanese regions of Jogjakarta.
- $95.00
Ulu Jawa Nunggak Semi Labradorite 1123
- Another very rare example of a keris hilt from the central Javanese regions of Jogjakarta.
- $580.00
Ulu Jawa Solo Patra Fossil Garham Gajah 1123
- Another rare example of a keris hilt from the central Javanese regions of Surakarta.
- $330.00
Ulu Jawa Surakarta Crystal 1123
- A very rare example of a keris hilt made from clear rock crystal.
- $550.00
Ulu Keris Panjang Tapak Kuda 1123
- Very good and rare example of a keris hilt fitting for a long executioner's keris, or keris panjang penyalang.
- $160.00
Ulu Lampung Sumatra Wood 1123
- Very good and rare example of a keris hilt from the southern Sumatran regions of Lampung.
- Unavailable
Ulu Lombok Gerantiman Anyaman 1123
- A rare and very good example of a hilt from the island of Lombok.
- $570.00
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